Parent Curriculum

At CES, parents are invited to volunteer to come read to a class... the following books are used for the program. This is one more way for students to be exposed to making great choices...

(just a sample of a few books for kindergarten... see the entire book list here)
Don't be Afraid to DROP!
Boy Raindrop is afraid to let go of his cloud and drop to the ground. He doesn't want to take a risk, he doesn't like change, and he is happy with his comfortable life. His father encourages him to jump out of his comfort zone and see what he is missing.
My Mouth is a Volcano!
Louis always interrupts! All of his thoughts  are very important to him, and when he has something to say, his mouth is a volcano! But when others begin to interrupt Louis, he learns how to respectfully wait for his turn to talk.
Bully B.E.A.N.S is a fun story that teaches people of all ages to become proactive when it comes to bullying. This book can help children and adults understand why bullying happens and what they can do to stop it. Finally, a bullying book that speaks to the bystander!
Personal Space Camp
'Personal space, outer space... Whats the difference?' the difference is a riot! Let's face it, explaining the concept of personal space to children isn't exactly easy.
Give children 'the scoop' on personal safety with this powerfully important story written to empower children with the skills and confidence needed to make right choices in their daily social interactions.
You Are Friendly
Children want to make friends and be friendly. Sharing, saying please and thank you, inviting others to join in and play, and being kind are all ways to win friends.
Manners are important for You and Me
Share your good manners with everyone you know. Don't be shy or hide them. Let your manners show!
Zoe the Misfit
Zoe is a green triangle in a world of red circles trying her best to fit in... and not succeeding, when she discovers to her surprise that there are lots of other shapes each unique in their own way, just like her.

1st Grade:

Not Better...Not Worse...Just Different

When children are very young, they will usually make friends with anyone and everyone. They do not discriminate because of age, sex, race, intelligence, physical difference, or brand labels worn.

Somewhere along the way, however, they learn that people are different and that society places higher value on certain traits. This can cause children to be unkind to one another, stare at differences, and tease unmercifully.

Sharon Scott, M.A., L.P.C., L.M.F.T., a family counselor with 22 years' experience, has written this book to teach children ages 5-10 to be kind to one another. Nicholas, her Cocker Spaniel co-author, uses his animal friends, Shawn, Mandy, Cedric, and Katy to teach children how to accept and respect all types of differences as well as what to do if they become a target of unkind teasing.

2nd Grade:

Too Smart for Trouble

For children ages 5-10 to read along with an adult to learn how to say no to all kinds of trouble, including being unkind to others, fighting, lying, smoking, going too far from home, and talking to strangers. International consultant and counselor Sharon Scott captures the interest and imagination of children by writing parts of the book through the eyes of her Cocker Spaniel, Nicholas.

3rd Grade:
Life's Not Always Fair
Internationally acclaimed family counselor Sharon Scott has authored another 'winner' for children. Her side-kick, Nicholas the Cocker Spaniel, makes learning how to manage one's emotions fun! Children can bounce back more quickly from setbacks and upsets if they are taught how to calm down, shake off gloom, and deal with fear or confusion. Children who have a high emotional IQ are at an advantage in life.
4th Grade:
Nicholas' Values
Children live in a fast-paced world where time, tension, television, and technology often interfere in the development of good, strong character. Selfishness, negativity, and cynicism are overwhelming realities in their world. To help children live ethical lives, Sharon Scott and Nicholas have lovingly selected eight important values based on the letters of Nicholas' name. These are the values that any parent would want children to develop and use in their daily lives. N=nice, I=involved, C=confident, H=honest, O=obedient, L=loyal, A=accountable and S=sharing.

5th Grade:

Too Cool for Drugs

Children today are growing up more quickly than any previous generation of children. Unfortunately, most of them will be exposed to some form of drug use before they even reach their teenage years. If we expect children to know what to do when offered drugs and encouraged to try them, then we must begin drug education early.

Sharon Scott was frustrated with the overly simplistic messages often given to children of "Drugs are bad. Just say no." This book helps parents, educators, and other concerned adults educate children in grades 1-5 about the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and inhalants—the scientific negative impact of these chemicals are simplified so that children can really understand the consequences to the mind and body. To capture and hold the interest of young readers, the book is written through the eyes of Nicholas, the Cocker Spaniel, author Scott’s beloved companion. Nicholas, along with his animal friends discover why drugs are harmful and learn skills for managing negative peer pressure. Nicholas’ inquisitive childlike qualities make him the perfect guide through this difficult and important subject.

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