Tuesday, January 8, 2013


What a wonderful break! Nothing like two weeks to rejuvenate! Today it was exciting to see all the children back in school; everyone had fun stories to tell about their family gatherings and events. What always amazes me is how grown up these little people seem when they return from the Christmas break.

Studies show that children who participate in goal setting are consistently more motivated and self-directed. School success is supported by children developing the skill of self-determination. They need to be able to make their own decisions and guide their own behavior, setting goals facilitates this process. Goal setting helps kids make a connection between their personal choices and the end results.

 I want to share some awesome sites/activities that I found to help children set goals. I encourage all teachers and parents to give some of these a try...

I love this one... wouldn't it be fun to do these every year and read at life's benchmarks? (graduations, weddings, etc.) There is also one for adults... click HERE for adults and HERE for kids. Thank you THIRTYHANDMADEDAYS.COM for these printables!!

What I love about these worksheets is that it focuses on how goals are going to be acheived... this is great to use in the classroom... click on the picture to get the worksheets- click HERE to see the lesson plan. Parents! There is also a spiritual goal sheet provided if you would like for home...

Here is a very simple form to use... just think of the extension activities you could do with this one! How many writing prompts??? Click on the picture for a FREE download at teachers pay teachers...

Speaking of setting goals... check out these awesome guided reading bookmarks! Click on the picture for a FREE pdf download at teachers pay teachers... thank you Hilary Lewis!!